Lavender/Tea Tree Oil Bath Salts 4oz tube

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All-Natural, Organic Lavender/Tea Tree Oil Bath Salts 4oz

Magnesium Salt
Pink Himalayan Salt
Bicarbonate Soda
Pure Lavender Oil
Pure Tea Tree Oil
Lavender Flowers
Rose Petals

Magnesium salt relaxes muscles and loosens stiff joints. Relieves pain and inflammation.
Pink Himalayan Salt relaxes and de-stresses, detoxifies the body and eases aches and pains. It also deep cleans the skin and stimulates circulation.
Bicarbonate Soda helps with skin condition such as eczema and psoriasis as well as draws out toxins.
Lavender promotes relaxation and balance as well as restful sleep and stress relief.
Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic that helps clear acne and has soothing properties.
Rose Petals help relieve anxiety and detoxify the body.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of Bath Salts to the included muslin bag using the wooden spoon then tie it under the running faucet as you fill your tub. Or add directly to your bath water.

Soak and Relax.

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